Safe Environment

“I do the same and encourage each and all of us to reject panic

and embrace faith to make our contribution to the common good with solidarity and love for our neighbor.”

— Bishop Michael F. Olson, Pastoral Letter 3-12-2020-

St Patrick Cathedral is dedicated to providing parishioners with a safe environment and ensuring respectful conduct for all.  

The Diocese of Fort Worth is helping its parishes provide people with the tools necessary to help ensure we are all able to recognize, respond and report abuse, neglect and/or sexual misconduct of all ages. 

All Employees and Adult Volunteers are required to create a Virtus profile and complete Safe Environment Certification

prior to serving in a Ministry. Certification is renewed every two years.

More information can be found at the Fort Worth Diocese Website |  Globe

  • Create a VIRTUS Profile

    Complete a Volunteer Application

    Have a Criminal Background check, renewed every five (5) years

    Attend a Protecting God's Children awareness session, renewed every two (2) years

    Complete and sign a Code of Conduct,

    renewed every two (2) years

    Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section. Once you click into this text area, you will see the filler text disappear.

  • ***Must have already taken Protecting God's Children awareness session

    Renew Code of Conduct every two (2) years

    Attend any renewal awareness session renewed, every two (2) years

    • Keeping the Promise Alive
    • A Plan to Protect

    Have a valid Background check, renewed every 5 years*

    Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section. Once you click into this text area, you will see the filler text disappear.

Step 1 : Create A VIRTUS Profile

All volunteers and staff must have a Virtus profile. First time registrants should use the like below. 

*You cannot sign up for the Protecting God's Children awareness session until after your profile has been created. 


Step 2: Log in to your VIRTUS Account

Login to VIRTUS to sign up for an awareness session that fits your schedule.

First time registrants must take the Protecting God's Children session.

Existing volunteers can take any renewal session (pre-requisite: Protecting God's Children). Options available are: Keeping the Promise Alive or A Plan to Protect

Log In to VIRTUS

Step 3: Fill out all of the appropriate Forms

All volunteers must have submitted the forms below before serving in their ministry. Please verify with the Safe Environment Coordinator to ensure we have all the forms required on file for you.

Submit completed forms to Cintia Ventura, Safe Environment Coordinator


  • All volunteers must complete a volunteer application y submit it to the parish or school Safe Environment Coordinator where your ministry wil be based.  

    English form

    Todos los voluntarios deben completar una solicitud de voluntario y entregarla al Coordinador de Ambiente Seguro a la parroquia o escuela donde realizara su ministerio. 

    Forma en español

  • All applicants 18 years or older must complete the authorization for release of information to process a criminal background check. **If your position requires handling cash or accounting/bookkeeping information, you must provide your Social Security number for a soft credit check (does not affect your credit).

    English form

    Todos los solicitantes mayores de 18 años deben completar la autorización de divulgación de information para procesar la verificación de antecedentes penales. **Si su puesto requiere manejar efectivo o información de contabilidad deben proporcionar su numero de Seguro Social para verificar su crédito (no afectara su crédito).

    Forma en español

  • All volunteers must review and sign the code of conduct, which explains the behaviors standards. 

    English Form (return pages 5 & 6 only)

    Todos los voluntarios deben revisar y firmar el Codigo de Conducta, que les explican las normas de comportamiento. 

    Forma en español (solo regrese paginas 5 y 6)

Step 4: Contact the Ministry Leader

Please reach out to the ministry leader of the area(s) where you would like to serve.  You cannot serve until Safe Environment training is complete or renewed, however you can meet with the ministry leader to see where your giftedness can best be utilized in a given ministry.