Secondary Title

  • K - 5th

    Sundays | 9:30 am - 10:45 am

    Parish Hall | RE Building

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  • Middle School | 6th - 8th

    Sundays* | 9:30 am - 10:45 am

    RE Building

    * see Calendar for actual dates

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  • High School | 9th - 12th

    Wednesdays | 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

    RE Building

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General Faith Formation and Catechesis Information

Faith Formation (formerly referred to possibly throughout the years as CCD, Catechism Class, Religious Education, etc.) is a lifelong process of growing in faith, both at home within the Domestic Church (Family Unit), and in community (Parish Family) in which our relationship with Jesus Christ is strengthened both individually, and as a Body (ie, Church).  The ultimate goal of our faith journey is union with God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Faith Formation Sessions, whether done at home or within the Church community context, are meant to help provide an opportunity of encounter with the living God, and provide a space for us to respond to our heavenly Father's invitation to seek, know and love Him with all of our strength, as well as recognized that we are truly His adopted children in the power of the Holy Spirit through Baptism, and that He desires so much to be one with us! (Catechism of the Catholic Church # 1) 

Below you will find information pertaining to the age appropriate areas of Faith Formation.  Our goal is to help parent’s form intentional missionary disciples, who desire union with God, and to live life with a disposition of a resounding “yes” to follow Jesus Christ with, in and through His Church.  

CALENDAR K-12  |  2023-2024

REGISTER K-12  |  2023-2024  


Director of Religious Education: Melynna Lamb     



PLEASE NOTE: Sacramental Preparation (1st Reconciliation and 1st Communion, Youth Confirmation Prep) are separate from regular Faith  Formation. In order to be in Sacramental Preparation, families will need to be registered in Faith Formation and be active members, or willing to become active members in the life of the parish.  

Normally, at least two years of formation lead into Sacramental Preparation period, as children are at the proper age and show readiness, as well as families show a commitment to help walk and guide their children in the faith, that will help determine Sacramental readiness. More information can be found below.  Schedules will posted some time after the Faith Formation Sessions begin in the fall and spring respectively.